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for optimal performance

KM 111

Ammonia synthesis catalyst

Developed based on the industry benchmark KM1, KM 111 is the latest innovation in ammonia synthesis catalysis. Customers who are looking for improving their operation, will benefit from record production levels together with improved energy efficiency. KM 111 also offers faster plant start-ups and new plants will have the option to downsize catalyst volume as well as reactor size.


KM 111 is a magnetite-based ammonia synthesis that is optimized for performance in the lower bed(s) of the converter where the concentration of ammonia is higher. Combined with KM1R in the first bed, KM 111 will deliver optimal performance from day one.

For who wants to benefit by starting up even faster, KM 111 is also available in a prereduced version, KMR 111, leading to the fastest start-up possible.