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Solutions and technologies shaping your business in the future
Ammonia : Purification|Ammonia : Reforming|Ammonia : CO shift|Ammonia : Methanation|Ammonia : Synthesis|Ammonia : N2O abatement|Ammonia : Co-production|Dimethyl ether : Purification|Dimethyl ether : Reforming|Dimethyl ether : Methanol synthesis|Dimethyl ether : Synthesis|Formaldehyde : Purification|Formaldehyde : Reforming|Formaldehyde : Synthesis|Formaldehyde : Methanol synthesis|Synthetic fuels : Methane-rich gas to gasoline|Synthetic fuels : Methane-rich gas to diesel and jet fuels|Synthetic fuels : Renewable energy and CO2 to synthetic diesel and jet fuel|Hydrogen : Purification|Hydrogen : Reforming|Hydrogen : CO shift|Hydrogen : Carbon dioxide recovery|Hydrogen : Methanation|Hydrogen : Syngas purification|Hydrogen : Methanol decomposition|Methanol : Purification|Methanol : Reforming|Methanol : Synthesis|Methanol : Co-production|RNG : Gasification|RNG : Sour shift|RNG : COS hydrolysis|RNG : Acid gas removal|RNG : Feed purification|RNG : Gas conditioning|RNG : Methanation|RNG : LNG production|Sulfuric acid : Sulfur dioxide oxidation|Sulfuric acid : Wet gas Sulfuric Acid (WSA)|Syngas : Purification|Syngas : Reforming|Syngas : Carbon dioxide recovery|Syngas : Syngas purification|Renewables : Diesel from renewable feedstocks|Renewables : HVO-100 diesel|Renewables : Jet fuel from renewable feedstocks|Renewables : Waste to plastic|Renewables : Hydrogen from renewable feed sources|Catalytic soot filtration : Marine|Catalyst poison removal : Arsenic removal|Catalyst poison removal : Chlorine guards|Catalyst poison removal : Nickel and vanadium removal|Catalyst poison removal : Phosphorus removal|Catalyst poison removal : Silicon removal|Catalyst poison removal : Sulfur guards|Catalytic filtration : Dust, Nox and CO removal|Formaldehyde : Catalytic oxidation|Hydrocracking : Flexible operation|Hydrocracking : Hydrocracker feed pretreatment|Hydrocracking : Maximum middle distillate yield|Hydrocracking : Mild hydrocracking|Hydrocracking : Renewables co-processing in hydrocracking|Hydrotreating : Diesel hydrotreating|Hydrotreating : FCC gasoline post-treatment|Hydrotreating : Kerosene hydrotreating|Hydrotreating : Naphtha hydrotreating|Hydrotreating : Resid hydrotreating |Hydrotreating : VGO hydrotreating / FCC pretreatment|Lube oil processing : Lube polishing|Lube oil processing : Wax hydrofinishing|Nitrous oxide removal : Nitric acid|NOx and CO removal : CO removal|NOx and CO removal : N2O abatement|NOx and CO removal : SCR NOx removal (stationary and marine)|Off-gas processing : Amine regeneration|Off-gas processing : Claus tail gas treatment|Off-gas processing : Fuel gas hydrotreating|Off-gas processing : Sour water stripping|Petrochemical processing : Benzene hydrogenation|Petrochemical processing : Petrochemical sulfur guards |Petrochemical processing : Selective hydrogenation|Pressure drop control : Avoiding fouling problems|Pressure drop control : Crust formation|Unconventional feeds : Coal tar processing |Unconventional feeds : Fischer-Tropsch wax upgrading|Unconventional feeds : Shale oil processing|Unconventional feeds : Spent lube processing|Ammonia : Carbon dioxide recovery|Carbon monoxide : Carbon monoxide|VOC removal : VOC removal|Renewables : Naphtha from renewable feedstocks|Sulfur removal : Sulfuric acid production|Sulfur removal : Spent acid regeneration|Sulfur removal : Sulfur recovery|Sulfur removal : Flue gas treatment|Sulfur removal : Treatment of sulfurous off-gasses|Hydrotreating : Co-processing in kerosene|Hydrotreating : Co-processing for diesel hydrotreating||

Mild hydrocracking with integral post treatment (MHC-IPT)

Refineries are faced with the challenge that conventional once-through hydrocrackers and FCC pretreaters do not allow independent control of critical process objectives such as high diesel quality (e.g. Euro IV with strict density and ...