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Perfecting chemistry for a better world


Chemistry is behind almost any product or fuel that defines the way we live today, and it will be just as important in shaping the future. With our deep insight into chemistry, Topsoe has an important role to play in the transition. 


Thanks to decades of exceptional R&D, we are the global leader in energy-efficient technologies to produce clean transportation fuels as well as ammonia, methanol and hydrogen that are universally seen as the most important fuels and chemicals of the future. We now make it our mission to lead the transition of these areas into the renewable future. 

To be recognized as the global leader in carbon emission reduction technologies by 2024

Reducing carbon emissions is vital for the success of the transition towards renewable energy and that goal will lead our company. This will make a huge positive difference for our customers, the climate, and the world.

Find contact information for all Topsoe facilities around the world 


haldor_topsce_at_stengaarden_in_1948_small haldor_topsce_at_koppartrans_in_1940_2

Over 80 years ago, Haldor Topsøe established a new company based on catalysis. Dr. Topsøe’s interest in chemistry and catalysis was sparked during his study of physics with the prominent professor, Niels Bohr, at the Niels Bohr Institute in Copenhagen. That is where Dr. Topsøe first saw the potential of catalysis.