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Topsoe Corporate Governance refers to the way the Topsoe Group is led and controlled. It is vital to making sure we manage our business in a responsible and efficient way in line with our values, purpose, and strategy.

Shareholders and ownership structure

Topsoe A/S is owned by Topsoe Holding A/S (~68%), Dahlia Investment Pte. Ltd. (~29%), and company employees through the Employee Share Program (~2%). The remaining ~1% is made up of treasury shares. Topsoe Holding A/S is wholly owned by the Topsoe family, while Dahlia Investment Pte. Ltd. of Singapore is wholly owned by Temasek.

The owners’ strong commitment to our long-term growth strategy and continued development is fundamental to maintaining an innovative and sustainable company culture in line with the spirit of our founder.


Topsoe A/S has a two-tier management structure consisting of the Board of Directors and the Senior Leadership Team.

The Board of Directors is responsible for the overall management and strategic direction of Topsoe A/S. The Senior Leadership Team, in turn, is responsible for the day-to-day management of the company.

The general meeting is the supreme governing body of Topsoe A/S. 

Chairmanship and Committees

The Board of Directors has established a chairmanship, an Audit, ESG and Risk Committee, a Remuneration Committee, and an Innovation Committee. The purpose of the board committees is to report and make recommendations to the board.

Governance Model
