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    Audit, ESG & Risk Committee

    The Audit , ESG & Risk Committee assists the Board of Topsoe A/S with financial and ESG reporting, including internal controls, external auditors, financial risk management and financial counterpart exposure, IT/cyber security and tax and insurance coverage.

    The Audit, ESG & Risk Committee consists of the following five members elected by the Board of Directors among its members:

    • Jakob Haldor Topsøe, Chairman
    • Jeppe Christiansen
    • Ines Kolmsee
    • Rohit Sobti
    • Line Holten Kollin

    Roeland Baan, CEO, and Allan Bødskov Andersen, CFO, also participate in the meetings of the Audit Committee.

    Charter of the Audit, ESG & Risk Committee

    Innovation Committee

    The Innovation Committee assists the Board of Topsoe A/S in ensuring that Topsoe remains a leader in innovations within its existing and new business areas. In addition, the Committee works to ensure identification of strategic initiatives that complement Topsoe’s core competencies, aiming at ensuring long-term business success through its sustainable solutions.

    The Innovation Committee consists of the following five members elected by the Board of Directors among its members:

    • Jens K. Nørskov, Chairman
    • Christina Topsøe
    • Rohit Sobti
    • Susana Quintana-Plaza
    • Anders Broe Bendtsen

    Roeland Baan, CEO, Kim Knudsen, CSIO, Elena Scaltritti, CCO, and Jesper Nerlov, CTO, also participate in the meetings of the Innovation Committee.


    Remuneration Committee

    The Remuneration Committee assists the Board of Topsoe A/S with oversight of Topsoe’s salary and wage policies, including bonus and management incentive programs. The Committee also reviews and evaluates the remuneration of the Board of Topsoe A/S and its committees.

    The Remuneration Committee consists of the following three members elected by the Board of Directors among its members:

    • Jeppe Christiansen, Chairman
    • Jakob Haldor Topsøe
    • Benoit Valentin

    Roeland Baan, CEO, and Peter Kirkegaard, CHRO, also participate in the meetings of the Remuneration Committee.