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Safety data sheet
Request Safety DataTOPSOE™ platinum free Base Metal Coating
Diesel engine exhaust particulates constitute a risk to health and environment and are removed by silicon carbide or cordierite filters. With TOPSOE™ platinum free base metal – palladium coating, the regeneration of the filter is done easily and cost effectively.
The passive and forced regeneration with TOPSOE™ BMC-211 is comparable to platinum coated filters and without any oxidation of NO to NO2, but rather a reduction of NO2, which is an acute toxic compound with an unpleasant smell. Furthermore, the Base Metal palladium Coating catalyst oxidizes hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide.
TOPSOE™’s Base Metal Coating catalyst is applicable to any silicon carbide or cordierite filter and exhibits features like:
- passive regeneration: balance point temperature at 400°C (≈300°C with pre-DOC)
- fast forced regeneration at 580°C
- high HC/CO conversion during regeneration
- 20-90% NO2 removal below 300°C
- 5-10% reduced NOx emissions
- thermal durability up to 900°C with interim excursions to even higher temperatures
- low pressure drop increase
- cost effective solution – no platinum
The coating of the TOPSOE™ BMC-211 catalyst is unique and consists of several base metal oxides and palladium.
Original equipment manufacturer
The TOPSOE™ BMC-211 catalytic coating in combination with engine management offers a cost advantage in comparison to platinum coated filters. The regeneration properties are comparable and the NO2 emissions are significantly lower than for platinum coatings. TOPSOE™ BMC-211 is well suited for systems with a pre-DOC upstream the filter to comply with the Euro 5 and Euro 6 for passenger cars.
For older buses and trucks, where engine management is often restricted, the regeneration can be assured by use of a fuel borne catalyst. Together with the fuel borne catalyst, the soot can be regenerated down to 250-300°C. With post injection systems, the TOPSOE™ BMC-211 catalytic coating offers an advantageous and cost effective retrofit solution.