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Effective catalyst loading lays the foundation for good catalyst performance. The TOPSOE™ Catalyst Loading training course gives you the insight you need to ensure that your next loading will be a success.

With an emphasis on both planning and execution, our flexible, tailored Catalyst Loading course will help you achieve smooth collaboration with the TOPSOE™ Engineer to ensure safe and efficient loadings with minimal delays and with maximum performance, once your plant is operational. As with all TOPSOE™ technical training, this course leverages our unique position as both catalyst supplier and technology licensor to give you efficiency-boosting insight you won’t find anywhere else.

What does the Training course cover?

  • Insight into the effect of loading on the lifetime and performance of your catalysts

  • Understanding of how proper preparation prior to loading will reduce the risk of subsequent challenges

  • Recommendations on how to ensure the safety of your loading crew during loading 

  • Understanding of the common loading methods used with a focus on the TOPSOE recommended methods


Duration of the course is 1 day (8 hours incl. breaks)