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    An effective and safe reduction is needed to get a plant off to a fast start-up and ensure the best activity of the catalyst. The TOPSOE™ Catalyst Reduction training course gives you the insight you need to reduce for success.

    With an emphasis on both planning and execution, our flexible, tailored Catalyst Reduction course will help you achieve smooth collaboration with the TOPSOE™ Engineer to ensure a safe and efficient reduction, resulting in a catalyst with the best conditions for performing optimally. As with all TOPSOE™ technical training, this course leverages our unique position as both catalyst supplier and technology licensor to give you efficiency-boosting insight you won’t find anywhere else.

    What does the Training Course cover?

    • Insight into the effect of a correct reduction on the lifetime and performance of your catalysts
    • Understanding of how proper preparation prior to reduction will reduce the risk of subsequent challenges
    • Recommendations on how to ensure that the reduction runs safely
    • Catalyst reduction walk-through emphasizing common mistakes and potential pitfalls, and ways to avoid critical situations and/or delays

    We recommend that you have attended the Catalyst Theory & Operation course and passed the Certification Exam


    The duration of the course is 1 day (8 hours incl. breaks)