It normally takes years to acquire a solid feel for how to operate a plant. The TOPSOE™ General Plant Operation training course will give you a head start, making you an “early expert” and helping you get more value out of future practical experience.
Our flexible, tailored General Plant Operation course will give you a basic understanding of plant operation, including how to identify and solve some of the common challenges you can face during operation. As with all TOPSOE™ technical training, this course leverages our unique position as both catalyst supplier and technology licensor to give you efficiency-boosting insight you won’t find anywhere else.
What does the Training Course cover?
Advice on how to run your plant during normal operation based on TOPSOETM's plant-management philosophy and best practices
Understanding of how to optimize catalyst performance during operation
Focus on the most common scenarios you can encounter for different sections in the plant
Advice on how to react during trips and emergency shutdowns
You must have completed the Catalyst Theory & operation course and the General Plant Understanding course and passed both the Certification Exams