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Annual General Meeting 2024


The Annual General Meeting of Topsoe A/S will be held on
THURSDAY, APRIL 4, 2024 AT 16:00 (CEST).

Annual General Meeting of Topsoe A/S

Shareholders can choose between attending the Annual General Meeting in person or follow a live webcast of the meeting. For shareholders attending in person, the meeting will be held at the Company’s premises at Haldor Topsøes Allé 1, 2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark (the auditorium next to the canteen in building no. 91). The live webcast can be accessed through the Shareholder Portal.

Relevant documents and links for the Annual General Meeting are available below.

Ordinær generalforsamling i Topsoe A/S

Aktionærerne kan vælge mellem at deltage fysisk i generalforsamlingen eller at overvære generalforsamlingen via live webcast. Den fysiske generalforsamling afholdes på Selskabets adresse, Haldor Topsøes Allé 1, 2800 Kgs. Lyngby (auditoriet ved siden af kantinen i bygning 91), mens den nævnte webcast kan tilgås via aktionærportalen.

Relevante dokumenter og links til brug ved generalforsamlingen findes nedenfor.

Den ordinære generalforsamling i Topsoe A/S finder sted
TORSDAG DEN 4. APRIL 2024 KL. 16:00.


Any questions relating to the Annual General Meeting must be directed to:

For questions relating to the use of the Shareholder Portal, please contact Computershare A/S directly by e-mail to


Eventuelle spørgsmål vedrørende generalforsamlingen skal sendes til:

Spørgsmål vedr. brug af aktionærportalen skal rettes direkte til Computershare A/S via e-mail til