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    January 29, 2020

    HollyFrontier opts for Topsoe’s HydroFlex™ solution to reduce cost of compliance with renewable fuels blending requirements

    • HollyFrontier has chosen Haldor Topsoe’s HydroFlex™ sustainable renewable fuel technology to produce extremely clean renewable diesel from various feedstocks
    • The large renewable diesel unit will be located at HollyFrontier’s Artesia refinery in New Mexico.

    Under the agreement with Artesia Renewable Diesel Company LLC, a subsidiary of HollyFrontier, Topsoe will license and supply basic engineering, proprietary equipment, catalysts, and technical services. The project is based on HydroFlex™, a world-leading, industry-proven Topsoe technology that produces renewable fuels, such as gasoline, diesel, and sustainable aviation fuel, from all renewable feedstocks. The contract was awarded after an in-depth feasibility study, involving competing technologies. 

    “We are very proud that a market leader such as HollyFrontier has chosen HydroFlex™ for their strategic expansion into renewable fuels. HydroFlex™ is the preferred choice for refiners leading the industry transition into producing renewable fuels,” says Henrik Rasmussen, Vice President of Haldor Topsoe.


    Every year, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) sets an annual quota for how much biofuel must be blended into gasoline and diesel sold in the US market. RIN (Renewable Identification Number) credits represent a volume of biofuel blended into fossil fuel and are used to ensure compliance with the quota. RIN credits can be traded, so companies that do not produce renewable fuels can buy RIN credits to meet their individual quota of renewable fuel.

    HydroFlex™ can be deployed in both grassroots units and revamps for co-processing or stand-alone applications.

    HydroFlex - Fuels from renewable feedstocks

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