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    Making optimal performance possible

    Heat Exchange Reformer (HTER)

    The introduction of gas heated reforming for synthesis gas production will enable you to effectively utilize the valuable heat in the reformer effluent to create more reforming capacity.

    The TOPSOE™ HTER can be used in combination with an autothermal reformer (ATR), with a tubular reformer (SMR), or with a two-step reforming configuration (an SMR followed by a secondary reformer). It is ideally suited for all synthesis gas production and in particular for hydrogen and ammonia production. It is a cost efficient option to revamp an existing plant to a larger capacity and for new plants, the technology offers a smaller footprint or even higher single line capacity.

    The proprietary HTER internal is based on an efficient convective transmission of the heat to the reforming catalyst. TOPSOE™ has adopted convective reforming for decades – both for flue gas based convective reforming (HTCR and TBR) as well as in the HTER and this extensive experience and our materials knowledge allow us to optimize the HTER with respect to heat transfer, pressure drop, temperature profile, and material selection. 

    Customer benefits

    Large flexibility:

    • The HTER is individually customized for each plant to cater for the desired capacity increase by up to 30%
    • The process can be optimized with respect to the product gas composition
    • Long lifetime as the metallurgy is adjusted to suit the gas severity
    • The energy recovery, as well as the fuel and steam balance, are optimized to suit the plant requirements

    Low footprint:

    • The HTER is compact. A significant reduction in footprint can be achieved with for instance a SMR/HTER combination compared to a stand-alone SMR

    Safe and proven operation:

    • The HTER internal is installed in a refractory lined pressure shell and subjected to small differential pressures only
    • More than 15 years of industrial experience has proven that the HTER is easy to operate and supports a long lifetime


    Get in touch

    Yassir Ghiyati
    Contact our expert