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    Making optimal performance possible

    Steam superheaters (Ammonia and Methanol)

    To close the steam balance of an integrated ammonia or methanol plant, it is often beneficial to let the process gas leave the process gas waste heat boiler (WHB)  at a higher temperature and use the remaining heat for steam superheating. The steam superheater (SSH) cannot be viewed separately. The performance in terms of operability and reliability depends on the WHB, the temperature control of the process gas after the WHB as well as the SSH itself – and the TOPSOE™ proprietary steam superheater design takes these factors into consideration.

    The temperature control and the uniformity of the process gas entering the SSH are of utmost importance. The TOPSOE™ SSH is designed to secure proper mixing of the process gas so that no local high-temperature zones can exist and thereby the SSH is well protected from metal dusting attack.

    The SSH is typically split into two shells. The low-temperature section handles the saturated steam and the low process gas temperature. This section can be made from low alloy steels. The high-temperature section for final superheat with the hot process gas can be manufactured of more corrosion-resistant materials if required. In this way, possible corrosion issues are mitigated and at the same time, the most cost-effective configuration is chosen.


    • High energy efficiency tailored to suit the specific plant requirements for superheated steam
    • Reliable temperature control for optimal process performance to safeguard against corrosion problems
    • Construction materials are optimized for outstanding equipment robustness while balancing cost effectiveness
    • The TOPSOE™ design and fabrication standards ensure high reliability and a long equipment life time