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    October 26, 2022

    Topsoe chosen to support Federated Co-operatives Limited in establishing renewable diesel production in Saskatchewan, Canada

    Topsoe, a global leader in carbon emission reduction technologies, has been selected by Federated Co-operatives Limited (FCL) to officially support the production of renewable diesel in Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada. FCL has chosen Topsoe’s HydroFlexTM process to produce low-carbon renewable diesel.

    Henrik Rasmussen, Managing Director, the Americas, Topsoe, said:
    “We are proud to have been chosen as the official technology vendor for FCL’s new venture. Driven by our commitment to a sustainable future, we are focused on helping organizations like FCL reach their low-carbon economy goals and objectives.”

    The FCL renewable diesel plant, once fully operational, has the potential to produce 15,000 barrels per day. The facility will be part of a larger Integrated Agriculture Complex, which also includes a canola crushing plant. FCL expects to be producing renewable diesel in 2027.

    Gil Le Dressay, Vice President, Manufacturing, FCL, said:
    “The production of renewable diesel is an important step in our transition to the low-carbon economy. Topsoe is a global leader and we are extremely pleased to work with their team, and to rely on their expertise, to deliver on our goals.”

    FCL’s current refinery in Regina produces traditional petroleum products. Combining renewable fuels with those products FCL already manufactures will create a sustainable seed-to-tank solution for fuel production in Western Canada.

    What is renewable diesel
    Renewable diesel is a low-carbon fuel made from renewable sources and is chemically identical to regular petroleum diesel. This means, it produces less greenhouse gas emissions, while performing the same as regular petroleum diesel and can be used without modification to engines or infrastructure.

    The feedstocks used to make Renewable diesel include vegetable oils such as Canola and Soybean oil, as well as waste or recycled animal fats and cooking oils. The resultant CO2 produced by the combustion of renewable diesel is essentially recycled back to grow the feedstocks. Therefore, renewable diesel substantially lowers the net amount of CO2 emitted to the atmosphere to help curb the harmful effects of climate change.

    What is HydroFlex™
    With HydroFlex™, customers can convert low value feedstocks into drop-in renewable jet and diesel that meets all of the globally accepted specifications for these fuels. The innovative HydroFlex™ process layout offers lower capital expenditure (CAPEX), but also a lower energy consumption during operation, resulting in a lower Carbon Index (CI). Topsoe’s HydroFlex™ can be deployed in both grassroots units and revamps for co-processing or stand-alone applications. HydroFlex™ is by far the most successful renewable fuels technology globally.

    About Topsoe

    Founded in 1940, Topsoe is a leading global developer and supplier of decarbonization technology, catalysts, and services for the energy transition.

    Our mission is to combat climate change by helping our partners and customers achieve their decarbonization and emission-reduction targets, including those in hard-to-abate sectors such as aviation, shipping, and the production of raw materials. From carbon reduction chemicals, to renewable fuels and plastic upcycling, we are uniquely positioned to aid humanity in realizing a sustainable future.

    Topsoe is headquartered in Denmark, with over 2,100 employees serving customers all around the globe. To learn more, visit

    About FCL
    Federated Co-operatives Limited (FCL), based in Saskatoon, is focused on providing more than 160 local Co-ops across Western Canada with strategy and leadership, wholesaling, manufacturing, logistics, operational support, business-enabling services and marketing support. Together FCL and those local co-operatives form the Co-operative Retailing System (CRS). The CRS serves our members and communities with products and services that help build, feed and fuel individuals and communities from Vancouver Island to northwestern Ontario. Our total workforce of 24,000 employees serve 1.9 million active individual members and many more non-member customers at 1,500 retail locations in more than 620 communities. We are a different kind of business – we are locally invested, community-minded and offer lifetime membership benefits including patronage refunds, quality products, quality service and fair prices. More information is available at and

    For more information, please contact:

    Media Relations
    Ulrik Frøhlke
    Media Relations Manager, Topsoe
    Phone: +45 27 77 99 68

    Brad DeLorey
    Director, FCL Communications and Public Affairs
    Phone: 306-719-4548
    Cell: 306-541-7643

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