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    We pursue a responsible and balanced approach to our supply base and seek to integrate commercial, risk and qualityaspects as well as social, environmental and ethical responsibility.

    To create the best foundation for building strong business ties and long-standing relationships with our suppliers, we expect  our suppliers to commit to our standard of responsible business conduct. Crucial to this is Topsoe's Supplier Code of Conduct, which outlines what we expect from our suppliers when it comes to human rights and labor standards, health and safety, environment and climate, as well as ethics and integrity.

    Topsoe ensures that all its imported chemicals and finished products are developed, maintained, and documented in compliance with applicable international and national regulations and requirements - read more about chemical compliance.


    Our procurement policy guides our choices to ensure that we get the right value from our suppliers. Furthermore, it gives direction and ensures that Topsoe’s approach is compliant and responsible while being effective, transparent, competitive, and standardized.