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We want to make the world a better place for future generations. We can impact this through our technological offerings and how we conduct our business. We work to ensure that the energy transition is a just transition. We understand that decarbonizing society impacts people and environment, and we are committed to being responsible in how we manage our impacts throughout our value chain. 


Sustainability Policy
Code of Conduct
Supplier Code of Conduct [EN]
Supplier Code of Conduct [ZH]
Global Environmental Policy
Global Health & Safety Policy
Global Diversity & Inclusion Policy
Responsible Minerals Sourcing Policy
Tax Policy
Global Quality Policy
Data Ethics Policy
Global Donation & Sponsorship Policy


ISO 9001:2015 certificate for quality management of catalyst production and engineering design
ISO 14001:2015 certificate for environmental management of catalyst production in Frederikssund, Denmark
ISO 45001:2018 certificate for Health & Safety management of catalyst production in Frederikssund, Denmark
Responsible Care® 14001 certificate for environmental, Health & Safety, and security management of catalyst production in Bayport, Texas, US


We use our strong scientific foundation to develop the best products in the most responsible manner, while continuously striving to minimize the potential negative impact on the environment from our production and managing resources in the best possible way. We do so through a life-cycle approach and by mitigating identified risks.

Net-Zero 2040

As a company we are determined to help solve one of the world’s most challenging issues - climate change. This includes addressing the greenhouse gases that we emit - directly or indirectly - in our own operations and across our value chain. Our ambition is to reduce our global greenhouse gas emissions to net-zero by 2040

Protecting our environment

We manage emissions to continuously reduce our negative impact on the environment and human health. Pollution control is our license to operate, and our policies and processes are certified against ISO14001 and RC14001.

Using our resources efficiently

Reducing energy use from our operations and contributing to climate change solutions are critical business priorities. We work continuously to manage resources better by optimizing production processes, because we want to have as little environmental impact as possible.

Chemical product stewardship

Hazardous materials are an inherent element of our products. If not managed properly, this can pose a risk to the environment and people’s health. This is why we are committed to handling hazardous materials in a safe and compliant way, and why we strive to minimize the use of hazardous chemicals where we can. Safety Data Sheets can be requested here.


Our people enable Topsoe to aim high. Reaching our ambitious targets is reliant on engaged and motivated employees, who are provided with safe and excellent working conditions and development opportunities. Our aim for 2024 is to be in the top 25 score in the annual employee engagement survey compared to the industry benchmark. 

Come solve with us – read more about working for Topsoe here.

Zero Harm

In Topsoe, we aspire toward 'Zero Harm’. Our health, safety and environmental management systems are based on international standards such as ISO45001 and Responsible Care® 14001.

Inclusive & diverse workplace

Topsoe strives for a diverse and inclusive work environment where everyone thrives and where we can harness the business benefits of different perspectives, backgrounds and experiences. We have zero tolerance on harassment and discrimination. Our aim is to have 30% women in management positions by 2024.

Safeguarding human rights

As a participant of the UN Global Compact, we are committed to respecting all human and labor rights. We strive to continuously embed a human rights-based perspective across our business practices in line with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. Many of our sustainability commitments relate to human rights – from our climate change actions to ‘Zero Harm’ aspirations, to the way we engage with our supply chain and address corruption risk in our business relationships. See here for an overview of our salient human rights impacts. 

Donations & community engagement

As a company, we believe in our responsibility to take on a positive role in society. We support efforts that contribute to create a socially, environmentally, and economically sustainable future aligned with the Topsoe Spirit and the overall purpose of our company, Perfecting chemistry for a better world. Every year, Topsoe aims to donate 0.1% of its annual revenue to global and local donations and community engagement activities.  

Read our Donation and Sponsorship Policy here


What we do is important, and how we do it is equally important. To maintain and develop our values and good reputation, it is crucial that we act responsibly in all aspects of our business. At Topsoe, we base our actions on a foundation of good governance practices, with solid governance structures and business processes in place to ensure that we earn and always retain the trust of our customers, owners, business partners, local communities and other stakeholders. Compliance with applicable requirements is fundamental to our long-term success and the values of Topsoe - it is our license to operate in an increasingly demanding global business environment.

Topsoe Code of Conduct

External regulations and business-related expectations are monitored and implemented through the Topsoe Code of Conduct and related policies, procedures and processes. We reinforce our standards through mandatory compliance training for all employees. Our Supplier Code of Conduct outlines what we require from suppliers when it comes to human rights, fair working conditions, health & safety, environmental impact, and ethical business conduct.

Read our codes here


We never tolerate any form of corruption, bribery, fraud, or anti-competitive behavior. Our anti-corruption compliance program and third-party due diligence processes govern how we interact with our customers, agents, suppliers, and other third parties to mitigate the risk of inadvertently contributing to potential or actual corrupt or anti-competitive practices. 

Topsoe Compliance Hotline

Our Compliance Hotline, a confidential, third-party administered, online access channel, provides our people, partners and affected members of the public a way to speak up, anonymously if desired, about any issue that they believe could pose a serious threat to life, health, or the environment, and/or any material threat to Topsoe as a company. 

Compliance Hotline

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