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    Solutions and technologies shaping your business in the future

    MTJet™ Technology

    Increase economy of scale and capitalize on a flexible methanol to jet fuel solution

    With sustainable aviation fuels (SAF) taking off, producers need a robust pathway that can help future-proof their business while simultaneously generating operational stability around the clock. The MTJet™ solution offers just that. Utilizing methanol as an intermediate for jet fuel synthesis allows producers to handle and capitalize on a dynamic range of situations and feedstocks.

    The MTJet™ process pathway

    Our MTJet™ technology is based on years of commercial experience and internal research and development within methanol synthesis and methane-rich gas-to-gasoline processes – TIGAS™. The result is a methanol-to-jet solution that can deliver eJet fuel from renewable electricity, water, and CO2 or advanced biofuel from solid biomass feedstocks. Creating a truly end-to-end– feedstock to jet fuel out product.

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    MTJet™ - Dynamic operation. Stable production.

    High-capacity utilization on the backend is attributed to TOPSOE™’s methanol synthesis process, which can operate at 10% of its design capacity and handle temporary electrolyzer shutdown. Allowing operations to run directly off methanol storage tanks.

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    Furthermore, this backend can be scaled to even higher capacities when imported green methanol is introduced into the equation. This flexibility provides SAF producers with a diverse range of options, negating any issues surrounding upstream feedstock fluctuations and challenges or facility limitations. Thereby achieving increased economy of scale for your operation and further reducing CAPEX.

    Single-point benefits

    • Extensive experience within methanol and gasoline synthesis.
    • Proven track record of integrated technologies within large, commercialized plants.
    • A licensing process backed by IP, patents, and proprietary technology and catalysts.
    • Reliable technology and service representatives.



    Discover various sustainable aviation pathways
    Learn more about low-carbon solutions for the aviation industry through the link below.


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    Get in touch

    Sandra Winter-Madsen
    Contact our expert