浏览Haldor Topsoe视频库

Its the smallest things
Its the smallest things 环保排放设备投资正在挤占业务收益?选择托普索最新TopFrax™陶瓷催化过滤器,在满足环保法规的同时获得最佳收益。 在托普索,我们洞悉客户真正的需求:不仅是新技术,而是以创新的科技变革,用最经济的方式满足排放标准要求——这就是我们最新产品TopFrax™陶瓷催化过滤器的使命。
将科研成果转化为最佳性能的硫酸催化剂 您将了解到在托普索如何将开创性的科研成果转化为最新一代LEAP5™硫酸催化剂,此催化剂可帮助客户降低SO2排放,并提高产品产量。
One small step for you, one giant leap into tomorrow
One small step for you, one giant leap into tomorrow 托普索最新VK-711 LEAP5™ 硫酸催化剂,为硫酸生产企业及相关行业节实现减排并提高产量。
SynCOR™ – 加速您的业
SynCOR™ – 加速您的业 SynCOR™ - 技术可以为大型工厂提供市场上最低的总拥有成本,以及经70年历史验证过的可靠性、安全性和稳定性。
HyOctane™ -  Squeeze more value out of your FCC gasoline
HyOctane™ - Squeeze more value out of your FCC gasoline Thanks to Topsoe’s new series of HyOctane™ catalysts, you can now squeeze more sulfur and greater margins out of your FCC gasoline post-treatment unit. The optimized activity and selectivity of the ...
Introducing the TK-611 HyBRIM™ catalyst (in Cantonese)
Introducing the TK-611 HyBRIM™ catalyst (in Cantonese) Looking for a superior catalyst for high pressure ultra-low sulfur diesel or hydrocracking pretreatment service? With rising oil demands and tougher feeds, the industry is focused on generating more ...
WSA - Wet gas Sulfuric Acid for metallurgical applications (in Cantonese)
WSA - Wet gas Sulfuric Acid for metallurgical applications (in Cantonese)
Season's greetings (in Cantonese)
Season's greetings (in Cantonese) Topsoe 2017 seasons greetings in Chinese to customers.
VK catalyst introduction (in Cantonese)
VK catalyst introduction (in Cantonese)
Introduction to WSA (in Cantonese)
Introduction to WSA (in Cantonese)
保护剂-防止压降升高和催化剂中毒的利器 针对具体原料最优的保护剂方案可以防止压降升高,脱除更多的金属污染物,减少停工时间与换剂次数。 量身制定的托普索保护剂方案可将加氢效率最大化,脱除金属污染物和焦炭前驱体。从而使具有高活性的主剂寿命更长,减少停工换剂次数,提高生产周期。