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Synthetic fuels

Maximize your energy resources with production of high-quality synthetic diesel, jet fuel, and gasoline from natural gas, methane-rich gas and biogas

Whether you have gas reserves, gasified biomass or renewable energy sources and CO2, there are opportunities opening up for synthetic fuels for the transportation sector.

Conversion of these energy sources into liquid fuels represents a profitable avenue for your business, while also bringing cleaner products to market.

With our synthetic fuel solutions, we provide the experience, technology, catalysts and services needed to ensure successful operations with an exceptional ROI. And, with our Single Point Solutions, we ensure that the whole production process is covered from end to end.

Innovative end-to-end solutions to maximize your energy resources

Synthetic diesel and jet fuel

  • G2LTM - Methane-rich gas to diesel and jet fuels is an industry-recognized single-license solution developed in partnership with Sasol allowing you to maximize the value output from natural gas, methane rich gas, biogas, water and electricity reserves. The process converts methane-rich gas to clean liquid fuels, as well as naphtha that can be used as premium cracker feedstock.
  • G2LTM eFuels - Renewable energy and CO2 to synthetic diesel and jet fuels enable conversion of renewable energy and CO2 into sustainable synfuels such as eDiesel, eJet fuel, and eNaphtha; a premium cracker feedstock. The single-license solution is delivered in partnership with Sasol.
  • TIGASTM (Topsoe Improved Gasoline Synthesis) makes it possible to produce efficiently high-value gasoline from natural gas, shale gas, or associated gas.

Synthetic gasoline


  • MTJetTM  – Methanol-to-jet fuel is a robust Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) pathway that uses methanol as an intermediate in jet fuel production. The process grants the flexibility to handle feedstock fluctuations while providing around-the-clock operational stability.

Topsoe offers a full range of synthetic fuel solutions. When you partner with us, you gain access to a comprehensive range of technical services and innovative solutions designed to comply with increasingly stringent industry standards and environmental legislation. Through strategic partnerships, we also bring expertise to every step of the process.

What we deliver

Get In Touch

Sandra Winter-Madsen

Contact our our expert for more information about Topsoe.


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Sustainability Report

We wish to be transparent about our contributions towards solving global challenges and how we conduct our business in a responsible and sustainable manner. Since 2018, we have published an annual sustainability report, detailing our work and performance on the material sustainability issues for our business.  

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