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    Renewables | Hydrogen from renewable feed sources

    30401 Banner 1440x512 Renewable Fuels - Hydrogen

    These are defining years for the refinery industry. Worldwide governments pass even stricter requirements for renewable fuels and lowering of emissions. This global trend presents far-reaching repercussions but also vast opportunities.

    The next step of the renewable journey is renewable hydrogen; a point widely recognized by lawmakers across the globe. Fortunately, the necessary technology is already here.

    At Topsoe, we have developed and refined hydrogen technologies for years. With H2bridge™’s integrated hydrogen unit, refineries gain the last piece of the puzzle to convert renewable feedstock into fuel. The unit is used in combination with our HydroFlex™ technology to integrate the hydrogen and hydrotreater units. Allowing you to turn any feedstock into renewable fuel that will help you reduce emissions, comply with legislation, diversify your business, and expand market share.

    H2bridge - Integrate your hydrogen and hydrotreater units

    CLICK HERE to find the information you need to begin your journey with  processing renewables

    Globally, refineries are facing tough legislation to reduce emissions

    36 bilion

    By 2022, US refineries must add 36 billion gallons of renewable fuel to the country’s total fuel consumption.

    30 %

    By 2030, at least 32% of EU’s energy consumption must come from renewable sources.

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    Adam Samir Kadhim

    Adam Samir Kadhim

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