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Hydrotreating | Resid hydrotreating

Traditionally, the primary objective in resid hydroprocessing was production of low-sulfur fuel oil (LSFO); i.e. desulfurization was the main objective. With the market for residual oil declining, and the demand for light transportation fuels on the rise, refiners can profit from converting resid into gasoline and diesel fuel. One important route for the conversion of resid into lighter transportation fuels is a combination of hydrotreating and resid fluid catalyst cracking (RFCC). Obviously, the demands on the catalyst system vary according to the processing objectives and will affect the choice of catalysts to be installed in the unit.

Topsoe offers a range of fixed-bed resid hydrotreating catalysts for plants wanting to produce either LSFO or pretreated feed for an RFCC unit. Our hydrodemetallization (HDM) and hydrodesulfurization (HDS) catalysts deliver outstanding metals pickup and hydrogenation activity, ensuring long cycle lengths and maximum protection of downstream catalysts. It all adds up to more cost-effective compliance with product specifications and environmental standards.

Our resid hydrotreating catalysts can be divided into the following three functionalities:

  • Hydrodemetallization (HDM)
    • HDM catalysts protect the downstream catalysts from rapid deactivation caused by excessive amounts of nickel and vanadium. The HDM catalysts are especially designed for operating in guard reactors and/or the first part of the reactor train, where the concentration of metals in the feed is high. The unique pore system of the HDM catalysts ensures that metals accumulate deep within the pores, giving a high HDM activity and superior tolerance and capacity for metals deposition.
  • Transition
    • Transition catalysts are installed in the middle part of the reactor train for optimal protection of the HDS catalyst against deactivation caused by metals in the feed. Transition catalysts have properties in between those of HDM and HDS catalysts with respect to hydrogenation activity, metals pick-up capacity and metals tolerance.
  • Hydrodesulfurization (HDS)
    • HDS type catalysts are the work horses of the resid hydrotreating catalyst system with respect to hydrogenation of sulfur and nitrogen compounds and removal of Conradson Carbon Residue.

Determining the optimal ratios of each catalyst type is important for obtaining a long cycle length while meeting the desired product properties. The optimal ratio will vary from unit to unit and will depend strongly on feedstock properties, operating conditions, and product requirements.

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Peter Andreas Nymann

Peter Andreas Nymann

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